思维导图破解初中英语语法及真题演练专题10 非谓语动词(含解)

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Part2 中考真题精选


1.(2022·辽宁大连·中考真题)I hope ________ in my hometown after I finish school.

A.work B.works C.working D.to work

2.(2022·湖南株洲·中考真题)________ a shared future, we should learn from each other and help each other.

A.Create B.To create C.Creating

3.(2022·湖南益阳·中考真题)—Tom, do you think reading is important?

—Yes, I do. So I decide ________ more time reading from now on.

A.spend B.to spend C.spending

4.(2022·广西玉林·中考真题)—Safety comes first! Everyone should stop the kids from ________ in the lake or river.

—Life is valuable. Kids must remember ________ the school rules.  

A.swim; to follow B.swim; following

C.swimming; following D.swimming; to follow

5.(2022·湖南邵阳·中考真题)— Hou can I prevent COVID-19, Dad?

—________ healthy, you should always wear a mask and wash hands frequently.

A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep

6.(2022·江苏镇江·中考真题)The high school invited a famous scientist _______ a talk on World Earth Day.

A.giving B.to give C.give D.given

7.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·中考真题)—I often watch talk shows on TV.

—I enjoy watching the news. I hope ________ what’s going on around the world.

A.find out B.to find out C.finding out

8.(2022·广西·中考真题)Our teacher often tells us _________ across the road when the traffic light is red.

A.go B.going C.don’t go D.not to go

9.(2022·湖南郴州·中考真题)Remember ________ the light when you leave the classroom.

A.turn off B.to turn off C.turning off

10.(2022·广西贵港·中考真题)— Amy, don’t forget ________ your mask (口罩) when you go out.

— Don’t worry, mom. I will.

A.wear B.wears C.to wear D.wearing

11.(2022·四川雅安·中考真题)Teenagers often listen to pop music _________.

A.relax B.to relax C.relaxing D.relaxed

12.(2022·黑龙江黑龙江·中考真题)Our school often advises the students, especially teenage girls ________ some chores at home to help busy parents.

A.doing B.to do C.do

13.(2022·内蒙古包头·中考真题)Nancy didn’t know anyone in the new school, so she decided to join an after-school club ________ some new friends.

A.to meet B.meet C.met D.meets

14.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)—We should do what we can ________ the spread of virus (病毒).

—You are right. We can often wash hands and wear masks.

A.prevent B.to prevent C.preventing

15.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)—It is convenient ________ us ________ things online.

—So it is.

A.for; to buy B.of; to buy C.for; buy

16.(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)— Father, I’m afraid I can’t win the English competition.

— Believe in yourself, my girl, and tell yourself ________ .

A.don’t give up B.not to give up C.to give up

17.(2022·贵州毕节·中考真题)Many people have lost their homes because of wars. It’s important for people ________ a peaceful world.

A.have B.had C.to have D.to be having

18.(2022·海南·中考真题)—Peter always remembers ________ the light off when he leaves the room.

—That’s great. It’s a good way to save energy.

A.shut B.shutting C.to shut

19.(2022·福建·中考真题)It’s important for us ________ hard in order to have a better life.

A.work B.to work C.working

20.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)The teacher told us ________ too much noise because the other students were having an exam.

A.to not make B.not to make C.not make D.not making

21.(2022·四川广元·中考真题)The Great Wall is so famous that a large number of travellers wish ______ it.

A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited

22.(2022·天津·中考真题)The painting is really valuable to him. He will never agree ________ it.

A.sell B.sells C.sold D.to sell

23.(2022·江苏扬州·中考真题)________ the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door.

A.Reach B.To reach C.Reaching D.To reaching

24.(2022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)—Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills?

—Certainly. I advise you ________ a diary in English every day.

A.to keep B.keeping C.kept D.keep

25.(2022·湖南怀化·中考真题)The teacher told Jack _______ off the light when he left the classroom.

A.turn B.turning C.to turn

26.(2022·云南昆明·中考真题)Boys and girls, good luck and wish you ________ good grades on your new journey!

A.cutting B.to cut C.getting D.to get

27.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)We learned ________ to work as a team by completing the task.

A.what B.which C.how D.who

28.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)Kitty, these books are ________ heavy for you ________ carry. Let me help you.

A.as…as B.too…to C.such…that D.so…that

29.(2022·四川达州·中考真题)The local government advises people ________ to other places ________ it is not necessary during the pandemic.

A.travel; unless B.to not travel; if C.not to travel; unless D.not to travel; if

30.(2022·广西玉林·中考真题)—Safety comes first! Everyone should stop the kids from ____ in the lake or river.

—Life is valuable. Kids must remember ________ the school rules.  

A.swim; to follow B.swim; following

C.swimming; following D.swimming; to follow

31.(2022·广西河池·中考真题)I usually spend time ________ in the library on weekends.

A.read B.reading C.reads D.to read

32.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)Holly prefers playing the piano to ________ the violin. Listen! She ________ the piano in her room.

A.play; is playing B.playing; plays C.playing; is playing

33.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)If you have difficulty ________ out the problem, you can ask the teacher for help.

A.work B.working C.to work

34.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)What about ________ the song Together for a Shared Future? Its name is the slogan (口号) of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

A.sing B.singing C.to sing

35.(2022·贵州黔东南·中考真题)There is no doubt _________ Harry Potter is worth _________.

A.whether, read B.if; to read C.that; reading D.as; being read

36.(2022·贵州铜仁·中考真题)—Mr. Chen, my kid is sleeping. Would you mind ______ your radio?

—Sorry. I’ll do it at once.

A.turning down B.turn down C.turning up D.turn up

37.(2022·湖南岳阳·中考真题)Many students practice _______ in the morning because of the P.E. exam.

A.run B.running C.ran

38.(2022·云南·中考真题)If you want ________ your pronunciation, keep on practicing every day.

A.improve B.improved C.improving D.to improve

39.(2022·四川达州·中考真题)—Hurry up, Jason! We’re going to the cinema, but the clothes still need ________.

—Don’t worry. I think thirty minutes ________ enough.

A.washing; are B.to wash; are C.to wash; is D.washing; is

40.(2022·四川遂宁·中考真题)—The art festival is coming. It’s a good chance to show ourselves.

—You are very good at ________. And you will be the most popular star.

A.singing B.sing C.to sing D.sang


1.(2021·辽宁营口市·中考真题)The lecture(讲座)is worth ________. Please tell John ________ late.

A.attend; not be B.to attend; to be C.attended; to being D.attending; not to be

2.(2021·四川广元市·中考真题)The boy is crazy about music and we always hear him ________ in the music room.

A.to sing B.sings C.singing D.sing

3.(2021·广西梧州市·中考真题)My parents are used to ________ after supper.

A.walk B.walks C.walking D.walked

4.(2021·辽宁大连市·中考真题)Don’t worry. We will meet next Monday ________ the project again,

A.discuss B.discussed C.discussing D.to discuss

5.(2021·黑龙江大庆市·中考真题)—English is difficult ________ at the beginning.

—Yes, but if you keep ________ , you can make progress.

A.to be learned; trying B.to learn; trying

C.to be learned; to try D.to learn; to try

6.(2021·广西百色市·中考真题)I used to ________ at half past six, but now I am getting used to ________at seven.

A.getting up, get up B.get up, getting up C.got up, getting up D.got up, get up

7.(2021·四川泸州市·中考真题)A group of elephants in Yunnan Province have trouble ________ a proper living place. We should help them.

A.find B.found C.to find D.finding

8.(2021·广西贵港市·中考真题)—My grandma is used to ________ in the countryside.

—Oh. So is my grandma.

A.live B.lives C.living D.lived

9.(2021·山东临沂市·中考真题)During the 16th century, Europe saw rich developments in science, medicine and the arts. People had to “invent” words ________ new ideas.

A.to express B.expresses C.express

10.(2021·山东临沂市·中考真题)Remember to use sunglasses to stop the sun from ________ directly in your eyes.

A.shine B.shining C.to shine

11.(2021·江苏宿迁市·中考真题)The policeman told the children ________ in the river. It’s too dangerous!

A.to not swim B.not to swim C.not swim D.not swimming

12.(2021·湖南益阳市·中考真题)Our teachers don’t allow us ______ mobile phones in the school.

A.to use B.use C.using

13.(2021·四川凉山彝族自治州·中考真题)—Hi! Alice, why are you in such a hurry?

—________ my best friend from Canada at the airport.

A.Meet B.Meeting C.To meet D.Met

14.(2021·湖南邵阳市·中考真题)—How can I improve my pronunciation, Madam?

—Keep on ________ and you’ll make progress.

A.practice B.practicing C.to practice

15.(2021·贵州铜仁市·中考真题)—Look! There are some students ________ basketball on the playground.

—Yes. I often see them ________ basketball there.

A.play; play B.play; playing C.playing; play D.playing; playing

16.(2021·黑龙江绥化市·中考真题)I was deeply moved by the film, Hi, Mum. I think it’s well worth ________.

A.to watch B.watch C.watching

17.(2021·黑龙江绥化市·中考真题)The teacher with curly hair teaches us _________ the guitar.

A.to play B.play C.playing

18.(2021·海南中考真题)— I have less homework than before!

— Me too. Now, we have enough time ________ sports.

A.do B.doing C.to do

19.(2021·内蒙古包头市·中考真题) ________ the online shopping, my grandma bought a smart phone.

A.Enjoyed B.Enjoying C.Enjoy D.To enjoy

20.(2021·吉林中考真题)Mr. White invited me ________ the hill with him last weekend.

A.to climb B.climb C.climbing

21.(2021·贵州贵阳市·中考真题)Mario and his friends are making some plans _________ in an old people’s home this summer.

A.work B.working C.to work

22.(2021·福建中考真题)Our school has held many activities ________ the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China.

A.celebrate B.celebrated C.to celebrate

23.(2021·黑龙江鸡西市·中考真题)It’s necessary for students ________ eye exercises.

A.do B.doing C.to do

24.(2021·黑龙江鸡西市·中考真题)—So far, Hi Mom is one of the most ________ films I’ve ever seen.

—That’s true. It is well worth ________ again.

A.move; see B.moved; to see C.moving; seeing

25.(2021·湖北十堰市·中考真题)The film Hi, Mom(《你好, 李焕英》)is moving, and I think it is well worth __________.

A.see B.to be seen C.seeing D.to see

26.(2021·青海中考真题)—The government has developed the law ________.

—Yeah, lots of restaurants encourage people to clear the plates.

A.to keep restaurants clean B.to protect people

C.to stop food waste

27.(2021·湖南怀化市·中考真题)The government asks people ______ the rubbish from their daily life in different groups.

A.to put B.putting C.put

28.(2021·四川乐山市·中考真题)一Do you always get up so early?

一Yes, _________ the first bus. My home is far away from school.

A.catch B.catching C.to catch

29.(2021·江苏南京市·中考真题)I would be interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people ________ closer to them.

A.get B.to get C.getting D.got

30.(2021·江苏盐城市·中考真题)Last September, Thunderstorm was shown ________ Cao Yu, one of China’s greatest playwrights.

A.remember B.remembering C.remembered D.to remember

31.(2021·湖南岳阳市·中考真题)The socialist new countryside (社会主义新农村)makes farmers ________their living conditions.

A.to improve B.improve C.improving

32.(2021·天津中考真题)When I was young, my parents taught me ________ older people kindly.

A.treats B.to treat C.treated D.treat

33.(2021·四川达州市·中考真题)— Ms. Griffin, what should we do ________ stupid mistakes in the coming exams?

— Be more careful.

A.avoid make B.avoiding making C.avoid making D.to avoid making

34.(2021·江苏苏州市·中考真题)During our holidays, we should avoid ________ up at night and oversleeping in the morning.

A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying

35.(2021·江苏扬州市·中考真题)In many countries, people put their fingers up to their mouths ________ silence.

A.ask for B.asking for C.to ask for D.asked for

36.(2021·云南中考真题)The earth is in great danger now. We have to do something ________ it.

A.protect B.protecting C.to protect D.protected

37.(2021·云南昆明市·中考真题)It is necessary to learn ________ time and make good use of every minute.

A.to manage B.managing C.to lose D.losing

38.(2021·重庆中考真题)Peter’s mother gets up early ________ breakfast for him every morning.

A.to make B.making C.make D.makes

39.(2021·重庆中考真题)The villagers plan ________ a new bridge over the river.

A.build B.building C.to build D.built

40.(2021·四川自贡市·中考真题)—Would you mind not ________football in the hallway?

—Sorry, I won’t.

A.play B.playing C.to play

41.(2021·四川遂宁市·中考真题)—My parents don’t allow me ________ my phone on school days.

—They are strict. But they always want the best for you.

A.to use B.use C.using D.used



1.(2022·辽宁大连·中考真题)I hope ________ in my hometown after I finish school.

A.work B.works C.working D.to work




考查非谓语动词。固定短语hope to do sth“希望做某事”,故选D。

2.(2022·湖南株洲·中考真题)________ a shared future, we should learn from each other and help each other.

A.Create B.To create C.Creating





3.(2022·湖南益阳·中考真题)—Tom, do you think reading is important?

—Yes, I do. So I decide ________ more time reading from now on.

A.spend B.to spend C.spending




考查动词不定式作宾语。spend花费,动词原形;to spend花费,动词不定式;spending花费,动名词或现在分词。decide to do sth表示“决定做某事”,因此空格处应填动词不定式,在句中作宾语。故选B。

4.(2022·广西玉林·中考真题)—Safety comes first! Everyone should stop the kids from ________ in the lake or river.

—Life is valuable. Kids must remember ________ the school rules.  

A.swim; to follow B.swim; following

C.swimming; following D.swimming; to follow



句意:——安全第一! 每个人都应该阻止孩子们在湖里或河里游泳。——生命是宝贵的。 孩子们必须记住遵守校规。

考查非谓语动词。stop sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”,动名词作宾语,排除AB;remember to do sth.“记得要做某事”,remember doing sth.“记得做过某事”;根据“Kids must remember...the school rules”可知是记得要遵守规则,故此处用动词不定式作宾语,排除C。故选D。

5.(2022·湖南邵阳·中考真题)— Hou can I prevent COVID-19, Dad?

—________ healthy, you should always wear a mask and wash hands frequently.

A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep





6.(2022·江苏镇江·中考真题)The high school invited a famous scientist _______ a talk on World Earth Day.

A.giving B.to give C.give D.given




考查非谓语。结合“invited a famous scientist”可知,此处是invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”,空处用不定式作宾补,故选B。

7.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·中考真题)—I often watch talk shows on TV.

—I enjoy watching the news. I hope ________ what’s going on around the world.

A.find out B.to find out C.finding out




考查非谓语动词。固定短语hope to do sth“希望做某事”,故选B。

8.(2022·广西·中考真题)Our teacher often tells us _________ across the road when the traffic light is red.

A.go B.going C.don’t go D.not to go




考查非谓语动词。tell sb (not) to do sth“告诉某人(不)要做某事”,固定短语;此处指“告诉我们红灯时不要过马路”。故选D。

9.(2022·湖南郴州·中考真题)Remember ________ the light when you leave the classroom.

A.turn off B.to turn off C.turning off




考查非谓语动词。remember to do sth“记得做某事(还未做)”;remember doing sth“记得做某事(已做)”。结合语境可知关灯的动作还未发生,应用不定式,故选B。

10.(2022·广西贵港·中考真题)— Amy, don’t forget ________ your mask (口罩) when you go out.

— Don’t worry, mom. I will.

A.wear B.wears C.to wear D.wearing




考查非谓语动词。forget to do sth“忘记去做某事”;forget doing sth“忘记做过某事”。根据“don’t forget...your mask (口罩) when you go out”可知,提醒不要忘记戴口罩,故选C。

11.(2022·四川雅安·中考真题)Teenagers often listen to pop music _________.

A.relax B.to relax C.relaxing D.relaxed




考查词义辨析。relax动词,放松;to relax动词不定式;relaxing形容词,令人放松的;relaxed形容词,感到放松的。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式。故选B。

12.(2022·黑龙江黑龙江·中考真题)Our school often advises the students, especially teenage girls ________ some chores at home to help busy parents.

A.doing B.to do C.do




考查动词不定式。advise sb to do sth“建议某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语;故选B。

13.(2022·内蒙古包头·中考真题)Nancy didn’t know anyone in the new school, so she decided to join an after-school club ________ some new friends.

A.to meet B.meet C.met D.meets




考查非谓语动词。根据“some new friends”可知,用动词不定式表达目的是“为了交新朋友”,用“to meet”。故选A。

14.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)—We should do what we can ________ the spread of virus (病毒).

—You are right. We can often wash hands and wear masks.

A.prevent B.to prevent C.preventing





15.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)—It is convenient ________ us ________ things online.

—So it is.

A.for; to buy B.of; to buy C.for; buy




考查It的固定句型。此处是“It is+adj+for/of sb to do sth”句型,此处convenient修饰其后的事情,介词用for;不定式在句中作真正的主语。故选A。

16.(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)— Father, I’m afraid I can’t win the English competition.

— Believe in yourself, my girl, and tell yourself ________ .

A.don’t give up B.not to give up C.to give up




考查非谓语。give up“放弃”;此处是“告诉某人不要做某事”,表达为tell sb. not to do sth.,空处用不定式的否定形式,故选B。

17.(2022·贵州毕节·中考真题)Many people have lost their homes because of wars. It’s important for people ________ a peaceful world.

A.have B.had C.to have D.to be having



句意:许多人因为战争失去了家园。 对人们来说,拥有一个和平的世界很重要。

考查非谓语动词。此处是结构“It is adj. for sb. to do sth.”,意为“做某事对某人是……的”,动词不定式作真正的主语,此处应用动词不定式的一般式。故选C。

18.(2022·海南·中考真题)—Peter always remembers ________ the light off when he leaves the room.

—That’s great. It’s a good way to save energy.

A.shut B.shutting C.to shut



句意:——彼得离开房间时总是记得去关灯。——那太棒了。 这是节省能源的好方法。

考查非谓语动词。remember to do sth.“记得要做某事”;remember doing sth.“记着已经做过的事”。根据“when he leaves the room.”可知,此处是指记得要去关灯,表示记得要做的事情。故选C。

19.(2022·福建·中考真题)It’s important for us ________ hard in order to have a better life.

A.work B.to work C.Working




考查非谓语动词。固定句式:It is+形容词+for sb to do sth“对于某人来说,做某事是……的”,动词不定式作主语,it作形式主语,故选B。

20.(2022·湖北十堰·中考真题)The teacher told us ________ too much noise because the other students were having an exam.

A.to not make B.not to make C.not make D.not making




考查非谓语动词。tell sb not to do sth“告诉某人不要做某事”,动词不定式作宾补,否定在to前加not,故选B。

21.(2022·四川广元·中考真题)The Great Wall is so famous that a large number of travellers wish ______ it.

A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited




考查非谓语动词。固定短语wish to do sth“希望做某事”,故选C。

22.(2022·天津·中考真题)The painting is really valuable to him. He will never agree ________ it.

A.sell B.sells C.sold D.to sell




考查非谓语动词。agree to do sth.“同意做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故选D。

23.(2022·江苏扬州·中考真题)________ the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door.

A.Reach B.To reach C.Reaching D.To reaching




考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,“the people locked inside”的目的是“the firemen broke down the door”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故选B。

24.(2022·江苏宿迁·中考真题)—Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills?

—Certainly. I advise you ________ a diary in English every day.

A.to keep B.keeping C.kept D.keep




考查非谓语动词。advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语。故选A。

25.(2022·湖南怀化·中考真题)The teacher told Jack _______ off the light when he left the classroom.

A.turn B.turning C.to turn




考查非谓语。此处是tell sb. to do sth.“告诉某人做某事”的结构,空处用不定式作宾补,故选C。

26.(2022·云南昆明·中考真题)Boys and girls, good luck and wish you ________ good grades on your new journey!

A.cutting B.to cut C.getting D.to get




考查非谓语。wish sb. to do sth.“希望某人做某事”,是固定短语,用不定式作宾补,故选D。

27.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)We learned ________ to work as a team by completing the task.

A.what B.which C.how D.who




考查疑问词辨析。what什么;which哪一个;how怎样;who谁。根据“We learned … to work as a team by completing the task”可知,学会了如何团队合作,用how与“to work …”构成“疑问词+to do”结构作宾语,故选C。

28.(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)Kitty, these books are ________ heavy for you ________ carry. Let me help you.

A.as…as B.too…to C.such…that D.so…that





29.(2022·四川达州·中考真题)The local government advises people ________ to other places ________ it is not necessary during the pandemic.

A.travel; unless B.to not travel; if C.not to travel; unless D.not to travel; if




考查非谓语动词和连词辨析。advise sb (not) to do sth“建议某人(不要)做某事”,排除AB。unless除非;if如果。根据“advises people...to other places”可知,“it is not necessary during the pandemic”是“The local government advises people...to other places”的肯定条件,用if引导条件状语从句。故选D。

30.(2022·广西玉林·中考真题)—Safety comes first! Everyone should stop the kids from ____ in the lake or river.

—Life is valuable. Kids must remember ________ the school rules.  

A.swim; to follow B.swim; following

C.swimming; following D.swimming; to follow



句意:——安全第一! 每个人都应该阻止孩子们在湖里或河里游泳。——生命是宝贵的。 孩子们必须记住遵守校规。

考查非谓语动词。stop sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”,动名词作宾语,排除AB;remember to do sth.“记得要做某事”,remember doing sth.“记得做过某事”;根据“Kids must remember...the school rules”可知是记得要遵守规则,故此处用动词不定式作宾语,排除C。故选D。

31.(2022·广西河池·中考真题)I usually spend time ________ in the library on weekends.

A.read B.reading C.reads D.to read




本题考查动词spend的用法。“花费时间做某事”的英文表达为“spend time (in) doing”,所以应选择动名词形式reading。故选B。

32.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)Holly prefers playing the piano to ________ the violin. Listen! She ________ the piano in her room.

A.play; is playing B.playing; plays C.playing; is playing




考查非谓语及时态。prefer doing to doing“宁愿做……也不愿做……”,是固定短语,第一空用动名词形式;结合“Listen!”可知,第二空用现在进行时结构,故选C。

33.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)If you have difficulty ________ out the problem, you can ask the teacher for help.

A.work B.working C.to work




考查动名词作宾语。have difficulty (in) doing sth“做某事有困难”,故选B。

34.(2022·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)What about ________ the song Together for a Shared Future? Its name is the slogan (口号) of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

A.sing B.singing C.to sing




考查动名词作宾语。about是介词,其后加动名词作宾语,构成句型what about doing sth?故选B。

35.(2022·贵州黔东南·中考真题)There is no doubt _________ Harry Potter is worth _________.

A.whether, read B.if; to read C.that; reading D.as; being read




考查宾语从句。doubt用在否定句中,引导词用that,there is no doubt that“毫无疑问……”,固定句型;be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,故选C。

36.(2022·贵州铜仁·中考真题)—Mr. Chen, my kid is sleeping. Would you mind ______ your radio?

—Sorry. I’ll do it at once.

A.turning down B.turn down C.turning up D.turn up




考查非谓语及动词短语。turn down调低(音量);turn up调高(音量)。根据“my kid is sleeping”可知要调低音量,排除C、D;mind doing sth表示“介意做某事”,即mind后用动名词作宾语,故选A。

37.(2022·湖南岳阳·中考真题)Many students practice _______ in the morning because of the P.E. exam.

A.run B.running C.ran




考查非谓语动词。practice doing sth“练习做某事”,固定短语,用动名词作宾语。故选B。

38.(2022·云南·中考真题)If you want ________ your pronunciation, keep on practicing every day.

A.improve B.improved C.improving D.to improve




考查非谓语动词。want to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故选D。

39.(2022·四川达州·中考真题)—Hurry up, Jason! We’re going to the cinema, but the clothes still need ________.

—Don’t worry. I think thirty minutes ________ enough.

A.washing; are B.to wash; are C.to wash; is D.washing; is




考查非谓语动词和主谓一致。need doing sth“需要被做”,排除BC;第二处“thirty minutes”是一个时间整体,be动词用is。故选D。

40.(2022·四川遂宁·中考真题)—The art festival is coming. It’s a good chance to show ourselves.

—You are very good at ________. And you will be the most popular star.

A.singing B.sing C.to sing D.sang



句意:——艺术节要来了。这是一个展示自己的好机会。——你很会唱歌。 你将成为最受欢迎的明星。

考查非谓语动词。be good at doing sth.“擅长做某事”,动名词作宾语。故选A。


1.(2021·辽宁营口市·中考真题)The lecture(讲座)is worth ________. Please tell John ________ late.

A.attend; not be B.to attend; to be C.attended; to being D.attending; not to be



考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:be worth doing sth.,表示“值得做某事”,第一空应用动名词形式attending,表示“参加”,在句中作宾语;固定搭配:tell sb. (not) to do sth.,表示“告诉某人(不)要做某事”,根据“The lecture is worth...”可知,此处指告诉约翰不要迟到,第二空应为not to be。故选D。

2.(2021·四川广元市·中考真题)The boy is crazy about music and we always hear him ________ in the music room.

A.to sing B.sings C.singing D.sing



考查非谓语。此处是hear sb do/doing sth的结构,do表示动作已完成;doing表示动作正在进行;结合alway可知,动作是已经过去,应用省略to的不定式作宾语,故选D。

3.(2021·广西梧州市·中考真题)My parents are used to ________ after supper.

A.walk B.walks C.walking D.walked



考查非谓语。be used to do sth被用来做某事;be used to doing sth习惯于做某事,结合语境,此处应用动名词形式,表示习惯于散步,故选C。

4.(2021·辽宁大连市·中考真题)Don’t worry. We will meet next Monday ________ the project again,

A.discuss B.discussed C.discussing D.to discuss




5.(2021·黑龙江大庆市·中考真题)—English is difficult ________ at the beginning.

—Yes, but if you keep ________ , you can make progress.

A.to be learned; trying B.to learn; trying

C.to be learned; to try D.to learn; to try



考查非谓语动词。根据“English is difficult…”可知,此处使用动词不定式的主动形式表被动,排除AC;keep doing sth继续做某事,使用动名词作宾语,故选B。

6.(2021·广西百色市·中考真题)I used to ________ at half past six, but now I am getting used to ________at seven.

A.getting up, get up B.get up, getting up C.got up, getting up D.got up, get up



考查非谓语动词。used to do sth过去常常做某事;get used to doing sth习惯做某事。根据“but now”可知,前一句是描述过去常做的事情,第一空应填get up。第二句是描述现在习惯做的事情,第二空应填getting up,故选B。

7.(2021·四川泸州市·中考真题)A group of elephants in Yunnan Province have trouble ________ a proper living place. We should help them.

A.find B.found C.to find D.finding



考查非谓语。have trouble (in) doing sth“最某事有困难”,空处应用动名词作宾语,故选D。

8.(2021·广西贵港市·中考真题)—My grandma is used to ________ in the countryside.

—Oh. So is my grandma.

A.live B.lives C.living D.lived



考查非谓语动词。be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,此处用动名词作宾语。故选C。

9.(2021·山东临沂市·中考真题)During the 16th century, Europe saw rich developments in science, medicine and the arts. People had to “invent” words ________ new ideas.

A.to express B.expresses C.express




10.(2021·山东临沂市·中考真题)Remember to use sunglasses to stop the sun from ________ directly in your eyes.

A.shine B.shining C.to shine



考查非谓语动词。短语stop sb/sth from doing阻止……做某事.from是介词,后接动名词作宾语,故选B。

11.(2021·江苏宿迁市·中考真题)The policeman told the children ________ in the river. It’s too dangerous!

A.to not swim B.not to swim C.not swim D.not swimming



考查非谓语动词。tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不做某事。根据“It’s too dangerous!”可知,警察告诉孩子不要在河里游泳。故选B。

12.(2021·湖南益阳市·中考真题)Our teachers don’t allow us ______ mobile phones in the school.

A.to use B.use C.using



考查非谓语动词。固定搭配:allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语,故选A。

13.(2021·四川凉山彝族自治州·中考真题)—Hi! Alice, why are you in such a hurry?

—________ my best friend from Canada at the airport.

A.Meet B.Meeting C.To meet D.Met



考查非谓语动词。根据“why are you in such a hurry”可知,是为了去机场接朋友,用动词不定式表目的,故选C。

14.(2021·湖南邵阳市·中考真题)—How can I improve my pronunciation, Madam?

—Keep on ________ and you’ll make progress.

A.practice B.practicing C.to practice



考查非谓语动词。keep on doing sth.一直做某事,坚持做某事。介词on后接动名词作宾语。故选B。

15.(2021·贵州铜仁市·中考真题)—Look! There are some students ________ basketball on the playground.

—Yes. I often see them ________ basketball there.

A.play; play B.play; playing C.playing; play D.playing; playing



考查非谓语动词。“There are some students”后用现在分词做后置定语表述主动,第一空用“playing”。根据 “often see”可知表示“经常看到某人做某事”,用“see sb. do”。第二空用动词原形 “play”。故选C。

16.(2021·黑龙江绥化市·中考真题)I was deeply moved by the film, Hi, Mum. I think it’s well worth ________.

A.to watch B.watch C.watching



考查非谓语。be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,空格处应用动名词形式,故选C。

17.(2021·黑龙江绥化市·中考真题)The teacher with curly hair teaches us _________ the guitar.

A.to play B.play C.playing



考查非谓语动词。play演奏乐器,是一个动词。由句子结构可知,该句谓语动词为“teaches”,常用于句型teach sb. to do sth.“教某人去做某事”。故选A。

18.(2021·海南中考真题)— I have less homework than before!

— Me too. Now, we have enough time ________ sports.

A.do B.doing C.to do



考查不定式用法。enough time to do sth表示“足够时间做某事”,不定式作状语。故选C。

19.(2021·内蒙古包头市·中考真题) ________ the online shopping, my grandma bought a smart phone.

A.Enjoyed B.Enjoying C.Enjoy D.To enjoy



考查动词不定式。enjoyed动词地过去式;enjoying动名词;enjoy动词原形;to enjoy动词不定式。句子表示目的“为了享受网上购物”,用动词不定式“to enjoy”。故选D。

20.(2021·吉林中考真题)Mr. White invited me ________ the hill with him last weekend.

A.to climb B.climb C.climbing



考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“邀请某人做某事”,故空格处应填动词不定式结构,故选A。

21.(2021·贵州贵阳市·中考真题)Mario and his friends are making some plans _________ in an old people’s home this summer.

A.work B.working C.to work



考查不定式用法。此处不定式to work作定语,修饰plans。故选C。

22.(2021·福建中考真题)Our school has held many activities ________ the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China.

A.celebrate B.celebrated C.to celebrate



考查非谓语动词。根据“the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China”可知,庆祝中国共产党100周年是目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选C。

23.(2021·黑龙江鸡西市·中考真题)It’s necessary for students ________ eye exercises.

A.do B.doing C.to do



考查非谓语。此处是固定句型It’s adj for sb to do sth,不定式作真正的主语,it作形式主语,故选C。

24.(2021·黑龙江鸡西市·中考真题)—So far, Hi Mom is one of the most ________ films I’ve ever seen.

—That’s true. It is well worth ________ again.

A.move; see B.moved; to see C.moving; seeing



考查词义辨析及非谓语动词。move移动,动词;moved感动的,修饰人;moving令人感动的,修饰物。第一空应填形容词修饰名词film,修饰物用以ing为结尾的形容词。be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,动名词作宾语,故选C。

25.(2021·湖北十堰市·中考真题)The film Hi, Mom(《你好, 李焕英》)is moving, and I think it is well worth __________.

A.see B.to be seen C.seeing D.to see



考查非谓语。be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,空处应用动名词作宾语,故选C。

26.(2021·青海中考真题)—The government has developed the law ________.

—Yeah, lots of restaurants encourage people to clear the plates.

A.to keep restaurants clean B.to protect people

C.to stop food waste



考查动词短语。to keep restaurants clean保持餐厅干净;to protect people保护人们;to stop food waste阻止食物浪费。根据“lots of restaurants encourage people to clear the plates”可知,清盘行动是为了阻止食物浪费,故选C。

27.(2021·湖南怀化市·中考真题)The government asks people ______ the rubbish from their daily life in different groups.

A.to put B.putting C.put



考查非谓语动词。put放,是一个动词。由句子结构可知,该句谓语动词为“ask”,常用于句型ask sb. to do sth.“要求某人做某事”,故选A。

28.(2021·四川乐山市·中考真题)一Do you always get up so early?

一Yes, _________ the first bus. My home is far away from school.

A.catch B.catching C.to catch




29.(2021·江苏南京市·中考真题)I would be interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people ________ closer to them.

A.get B.to get C.getting D.got



考查非谓语。此处是结构allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,空格处用不定式作宾补,故选B。

30.(2021·江苏盐城市·中考真题)Last September, Thunderstorm was shown ________ Cao Yu, one of China’s greatest playwrights.

A.remember B.remembering C.remembered D.to remember



考查非谓语动词。根据“Thunderstorm was shown … Cao Yu, one of China’s greatest playwrights”可知,《雷雨》上映的目的是为了纪念伟大的剧作家,用动词不定式表目的,故选D。

31.(2021·湖南岳阳市·中考真题)The socialist new countryside (社会主义新农村)makes farmers ________their living conditions.

A.to improve B.improve C.improving



考查非谓语动词。make sb do sth“使某人做某事”,省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,故选B。

32.(2021·天津中考真题)When I was young, my parents taught me ________ older people kindly.

A.treats B.to treat C.treated D.treat



考查动词不定式。treats第三人称单数;to treat动词不定式;treated过去式或过去分词;treat动词原形。teach sb to do sth.“教某人做某事”,固定搭配,故选B。

33.(2021·四川达州市·中考真题)— Ms. Griffin, what should we do ________ stupid mistakes in the coming exams?

— Be more careful.

A.avoid make B.avoiding making C.avoid making D.to avoid making



考查非谓语。此处表达的是“为了避免犯愚蠢的错误”,应用不定式作目的状语,且此处是avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,故选D。

34.(2021·江苏苏州市·中考真题)During our holidays, we should avoid ________ up at night and oversleeping in the morning.

A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying



考查动名词作宾语。avoid doing sth避免做某事,使用动名词作宾语,故选D。

35.(2021·江苏扬州市·中考真题)In many countries, people put their fingers up to their mouths ________ silence.

A.ask for B.asking for C.to ask for D.asked for



考查非谓语动词。分析“people put their fingers up to their mouths…silence”可知,此处表示目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选C。

36.(2021·云南中考真题)The earth is in great danger now. We have to do something ________ it.

A.protect B.protecting C.to protect D.protected




37.(2021·云南昆明市·中考真题)It is necessary to learn ________ time and make good use of every minute.

A.to manage B.managing C.to lose D.losing



考查动词辨析及非谓语动词。manage管理;lose失去。根据“make good use of every minute”可知是要管理时间;learn to do sth.学会做某事,此处用动词不定式作宾语。故选A。

38.(2021·重庆中考真题)Peter’s mother gets up early ________ breakfast for him every morning.

A.to make B.making C.make D.makes



考查非谓语动词。分析“Peter’s mother gets up early…breakfast for him every morning.”可知,此处表示目的,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选A。

39.(2021·重庆中考真题)The villagers plan ________ a new bridge over the river.

A.build B.building C.to build D.built



考查非谓语动词。plan to do sth计划做某事,使用动词不定式作宾语,故选C。

40.(2021·四川自贡市·中考真题)—Would you mind not ________football in the hallway?

—Sorry, I won’t.

A.play B.playing C.to play



考查固定用法。mind doing sth表示“介意做某事”,动名词作宾语。故选B。

41.(2021·四川遂宁市·中考真题)—My parents don’t allow me ________ my phone on school days.

—They are strict. But they always want the best for you.

A.to use B.use C.using D.used



考查非谓语。allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,空格处应用不定式作补语,故选A。







